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How the Pandemic Impacted M&A Transactions [PODCAST]

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected many aspects of our personal lives. Likewise, business and...

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The Role of an Attorney in M&A Deals [PODCAST]

When entrepreneurs prepare to sell a business, they are often under the impression the bank or...

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What is the Difference Between SBA and Conventional Financing? [PODCAST]

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is a federal agency that offers a variety of funding...

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Debt Financing Types Used in M&A Deals [PODCAST]

When entrepreneurs look at their first merger or acquisition, they often think financing revolves...

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M&A Buyer Types and What To Know When Selling Your Business [PODCAST]

To execute a high-multiple sale for any business, you need the right buyer. Finding that buyer is a...

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What is a Retrade in an M&A Transaction and Can You Prevent It? [PODCAST]

As a business owner, entering into a sell transaction can be a bit overwhelming. Now imagine you...

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IOIs, LOIs, and the Homestretch of a Business Transaction [PODCAST]

Once you have begun receiving interest from buyers, you might feel like you are in the homestretch...

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What Can Increase or Decrease the Value of Your Business? [PODCAST]

If you are selling your business, proving profitability is likely one of your main priorities. In...

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The Marketing Phases of a Sell-Side M&A Transaction, Explained [PODCAST]

The world of mergers and acquisitions can seem like a whirlwind – then, it can slow to a crawl at...

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Proprietary Deals: Should I Sell My Business Directly? [PODCAST]

No matter how involved you are with your business, there will come a day when you decide the time...

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Working with an M&A Advisor: From Raising Capital to Reducing Deal Fatigue [PODCAST]

If you are a business owner thinking about scaling, raising capital, or selling your company, you...

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Introducing The Transaction Abstract, an M&A Podcast

Subscribe to The Transaction Abstract, a New M&A Podcast from Redpath Business transactions like...

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